b'He frowned and tried his own pedals, but they wouldnt move either.Something must have gotten stuck in the propeller thing, he explained.If the propeller was stuck, that meant . . . WE WERE STUCK !Brianna suddenly stopped singing. Daddy, we arent moving anymore. Is something wrong?! Is our boat . . . BROKEN?! she asked, her lip trembling.NO! I said, at the exact same time that my dad said, YES!Brianna was about to go into a full-blown meltdown. And NOT the mild temper tantrum one. But the kind with shrieking, hiccuping, snot, and enough tears to raise the level of the lake.But its just a GAME! I said in a rush. Were not REALLY stuck out here. We just have to figure out how were going to get back to the shore, okay?48'