b'But if my plan worked, at least Id make it throughis better than last years! Can someone get me a the first practice. water? Im about to die of thirst!By the time I made my way back to the rink, mostHer staffers scrambled in different directions, of the skaters were already on the ice practicing,and within thirty seconds two assistants and two including Chloe and Zoey. security guys offered her bottled waters.I was amazed at how graceful they were, and IOMG! You expect me to drink water from a couldnt help but feel proud of them. PLASTIC bottle? she shrieked.Near the main entrance, a large crowd surroundedOne thing was quite obvious. The woman was a Victoria. She was pretty and looked surprisinglyspoiled diva!similar to the girl on the cover ofThe Ice Princess .The assistant director asked all the skaters to take Fans took pictures of her with their cell phones anda seat in the first two rows.waited in line for an autograph.He then introduced Victoria as the skaters cheered And like a pop star, she traveled with her ownexcitedly.entourage and security detail.In spite of her meltdown over the bottled water As Victoria rushed past me she took off hersituation, she immediately plastered a fake smile on sunglasses and let out an irritated sigh. her face.Lets get this over with! I just hope this groupSo! Whod like to impress me first? she asked, 258 259'