The other day I was complaining to my mom about all the usual things. MacKenzie is pure evil, I get WAY too much homework, if I don’t get an iPhone soon I may die from tech deprivation….you know the drill!
Mom was all like, “Quit whining! You have a great life. You should be grateful for everything you have!” Then she listed some totally obvious things that pretty much everyone we know has.
At first I found this super annoying. I HATE when people tell you to be grateful that you have clothes to wear and air to breathe, like you’re never supposed to get upset about ANYTHING because you don’t have to walk around naked all day and you live on Earth where NOT having air to breathe would be pretty uncommon.
Sure, life would be horrible without those things, but that doesn’t mean nothing is EVER going to bother me!! Seriously, I’m supposed to NEVER complain unless my closet burns down, leaving me gasping in smoky air??
I know what you might be thinking…that sounds totally bratty. I know! I realized after I said those things out loud that I was being a little obnoxious.
I mean, think about how much it would stink if I only owned, like, ONE summer outfit from Goodwill because my parents couldn’t afford to buy me any more clothes.
MacKenzie would be even more mean to me than usual, and the winters would be HORRIBLE!! I’m sure it’s super hard to sketch or drawn when you have FROST BITE all over your hands.
My Mom’s right…I am lucky I don’t have to deal with that!
And if I really think about, I have a lot of things in my life that are pretty awesome. Mom said I should make a list of all those things so I can remember them when little things start to bug me. So I did!
Here is my list of awesome things to appreciate:
1. My friendships with Chloe and Zoey. I seriously have the best friends in the whole wide world. I love those girls!
2. My flirtation with Brandon. He always makes me smile!
3. My family. They may get on my nerves a ton, but they’re pretty decent people, and they’re not serial killers, sociopaths, or Kardashian fans, so that’s pretty cool. (You read that right. I NEVER keep up with the Kardashians because I think they’re all kinds of obnoxious!)
4. My diaries. (Can you say PUBLISHED AUTHOR anyone?!?)
5. My mad art skills. I always have fun sketching and drawing, and I get to do cool stuff for other people, like those tattoos I gave everyone in school!
6. My wicked sense of humor. I may be a HUGE dork but I always make Chloe and Zoey laugh. 🙂
7. My TV. What would I do without Tyra??
8. My scholarship. Let’s face it: If Dad wasn’t freakishly obsessed with bugs, I wouldn’t be going to Westchester Country Day School…and so many awesome things have happened there!
9. My voice! Some people think I’m a pretty good singer. 🙂
10. All of you guys. Seriously, you are all SO totally nice and smart and talented. I CAN’T WAIT until the fan stories section goes up on the site to see what you all come up with!!
So that’s my list of awesome stuff to appreciate. I was thinking maybe I’d print this out and put it in my locker.
Then I had this horrible vision of MacKenzie stealing it, changing some words here and there (as in: Some people think I’m a HORRIBLE singer!), and plastering it all over school and the Internet to make me look like a massive dork. I CAN’T STAND that girl!!!! Do you know that she actually….
Nope. I’m NOT going to complain about MacKenzie. (At least not today!) My life is AWESOME and she does not deserve my time!!!
Now it’s your turn. What are the most awesome things in YOUR life??