As you probably could have guessed, I sing in the shower pretty much all the time. What can I say…I love to sing!!
But I wish I didn’t yesterday!
I wanted to take a shower after school because Zoey accidentally spilled some of her lunch on me, and it was this totally nasty mystery meat kind of lunch.
I have no idea what it was! Meatloaf? Spam? Squirrel? Your guess is as good as mine!
(That girl really needs to be more careful…if I had a dime for every time she spilled food I could buy FIVE iPhones!!)
Anywho, I smelled kind of nasty for the second half of the day, so I practically RAN to the shower the second I got home.
I was singing Firework super loud, using this scrub brush as a microphone. I thought I was doing a pretty good job!
But then I slipped a little on these toys Brianna left in the tub.
(I told her she should just play with Miss Penelope when she takes a bath but she was all like, “Do you really want Miss Penelope to get drownded?” And I went, “Um, do you want me to answer that honestly??”)
So none of this is really a big deal, right? Wrong! It was a big deal because I had the bathroom window open, and all the neighborhood kids were riding their bikes pretty much right outside my house.
When I slipped I obviously stopped singing. (You can’t sing and scream “OW” at the same time!)
And when I stopped, I heard all the kids outside picking up where I left off at the chorus.
They were all off key singing, “Baby you’re a firework! Come on, show ‘em what you’re worth!”
OMG it was so embarrassing! They all know who I am, and I see them like all the time!
Then today when I was coming home from school, my math test from the other day fell out of my backpack. (Remember from when I was super tired…I got a really bad grade, just like I thought I would!)
This bratty kid Ethan who lives a couple doors down saw it fall out, so he ran over to grab it for me.
He saw the 35 on it (at least I did better than I thought I did!) And then he went, “You can do better than that, because…baby you’re a firework! Come on show ‘em what you’re worth!”
He sang the last part at me super loud! And there were a bunch of other kids watching and laughing.
So totally embarrassing!
But then I decided I wasn’t going to let a bunch of bratty little kids make me feel bad about myself. So what I sing in the shower? I’m really, really good at it!
So I was like, “The next show’s at 6:30 tonight!”
Haha that was pretty funny. Yeah, I know. I’m SUCH a dork!!
What about you? Do you sing in the shower? What songs do you sing??