What am I supposed to do if my mom wont get me a new cellphone, even though I’ve been asking for about, I don’t know, two whole months? I can’t last another month without a cell phone!
Katrina, I feel your pain!!! I wanted a cell phone FOREVER and I JUST got one not too long ago. Seriously, I felt like the last person in the world without one.
(But I wasn’t really. Turns out there are a lot of kids out there whose parents are totally against phones!)
I’m going to give you some advice based on the stuff I did. Hopefully it will work for you, too!
The first important thing is NOT to freak out. If you get into fights with your parents about it, they’ll be even less likely to buy you one. They’ll be all like, “This is why you shouldn’t have a phone. You’re not mature enough for the responsibility!”
If they’re open to hearing some reasons why you should have one, you could sit down with them and say something like, “I understand if you don’t think I should get a phone right now, but I wanted to explain to you why it’s a good idea to get one some time soon!”
This will make you sound totally mature because you’re not DEMANDING that they buy one ASAP, you’re just schooling them on the benefits!
If they’re not even open to hearing your reasons, you could write it in a letter. I do that all the time! It’s easy to be super convincing when you have, like, a whole list of reasons why you should get something!!
These are some of the things you could tell them:
-It would be good for you to have a phone in case there’s some kind of emergency. This way you can get in touch with them easily!
-Having a phone would give you a chance to show them how responsible you are. You’d be super careful not to lose it, and you’d make sure to turn it off during important things, like family events and stuff.
-You’ll follow any type of rules they want to set. Like, if they want you on a certain plan, or want you to only text so much or use so many minutes. You’d even do a pre-paid phone so it would be impossible to go over the minutes!
-You’d be open to paying for the monthly plan (or some of it) with your allowance.
-You’d follow any other types of rules they want to set.
I know that last one could be kind of annoying, if they get you a phone and decide to be super controlling about it…like, wanting to see who you’re texting and stuff.
But if you show them you’re mature and responsible, eventually they’ll trust you and realize you can handle it.
That’s what happened with MY parents! At first they were all like, “Who are you texting?? Who called? What’s going on?” Seriously, they were ALL up in my business!
Now they’re totally chill about it. It just took a little time.
Good luck Katrina!!
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice for her?