My two friends say I need more friends, so I try to, but no one likes me. I think I should just forget about it and stick with two friends. Should I?
Hi Darcee! I’m kind of wondering why your friends would tell you that.
I mean, I only have two SUPER CLOSE friends, and I don’t really go looking for more.
It’s not like I hide under my desk and cry when they’re not around or anything. I just love hanging out with Chloe and Zoey!
Are you able to relax and talk to other people when YOUR FRIENDS aren’t around?
If not, than it’s not a bad idea to branch out a little!
You might not have had much luck so far, but it’s not true that NO ONE likes you. You have those two BFFs! OBVIOUSLY they think you’re pretty great or they wouldn’t be your friends.
I think the REAL issue isn’t that maybe you SHOULD make more friends…it’s that you don’t think you CAN have more.
Maybe it will help to stop telling yourself that no one likes you.
Now I’m not going to say that EVERYONE likes you. I don’t think ANYONE is liked by EVERYONE…not even the nicest person in the world.
I mean, I think I’m pretty nice and MacKenzie HATES my guts!! She doesn’t even have a good reason…I just don’t get that girl!!
Back to my point…I’m sure there are lots of people who DO like you. You just have to take the pressure off and show them how totally great you are.
Maybe next time you’re talking to someone new, try to stop worrying about what they think about you.
I know that might sound about as easy as “Grow a second nose tonight!”
Sometimes I TOTALLY freak out about what other people think!
But it does me (and you) no good to stress out about that.
MacKenzie’s going to talk trash about me no matter WHAT I do…and people like Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon are ALWAYS going to have my back, because they know the REAL me.
You just have to trust that the REAL YOU is awesome…and then relax so you can show that to new people.
So that’s my advice: Chill out, branch out, and let people see how AWESOME you are!!!
Do you guys have any advice for Darcee?