I started middle school a couple months ago, and my BFF and I are in separate homerooms. I still want to be friends, and I know she does too. But I always end up talking to her for five minutes or we just have an awkward smile. What should I do??
That stinks you’re in different homerooms! I think they should let us pick EVERYTHING about school, like our subjects, teachers, and classmates.
I mean, we get a MILLION AND ONE options for ordering a pizza and practically no choice with school. Isn’t it WAY more important than pizza?!?
(Actually, pizza might be higher on MY list of important things, but back to your question…)
While it’s super lame that you don’t get to have homeroom together, that doesn’t mean you can’t be friends!
It just means you’ll have A LOT more to talk about at lunch or when you’re hanging out outside of school.
Maybe you could plan a sleepover for some night soon and make a pact that you’ll still hang out a little every week. Or maybe you could both join the same club, so you get to spend time together doing something super fun.
One good thing about having separate homerooms: You can make some new friends in your homeroom and introduce them to her, and then she can make friends in HER homeroom and introduce them to you.
Maybe somewhere sitting in one of your classes there’s a Nikki who’s looking for her Chloe and Zoey!
(That’s you and your BFF, in case you couldn’t tell!)
So that’s my advice: Invite her to hang out some time soon, tell her ALL about your classes, ask about hers, and stay open to new friends too!
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice about staying friends when you’re in different homerooms?