I wish I had BFF. I already have a choice, but another friend stole her, and now they’re becoming best friends. I always feel left out, and the only time she is available is when my other friend isn’t with her. Please help!
Hi Katelyn! That stinks you feel like you don’t have a BFF. I remember when I first got to WCD I felt the same as you.
Everywhere I looked, people were in pairs. When I walked by my local dog park and saw two super cute poodles playing together, I felt TOTALLY lonely!!
EVERYONE had a BFF but me…even DOGS! Luckily I met Chloe and Zoey soon after, and then the three of us were all BFFs.
So I have to ask…why can’t it be the same for you and your two friends? I mean, it doesn’t have to be like one of them stole the other, and you can only hang out with her when they’re not together.
(And really, you can’t STEAL a person…if you could, we’d come with those weird anti-theft thingies, and we don’t!)
If you make it a competition, like either YOU win a BFF or your other friend does, someone’s going to end up feeling left out!
Why don’t you invite them both over after school and maybe think of something fun you can all do together?
For example, if you have a talent show coming up, you three can do a dance. Or maybe the three of you can plan a garage sale together or join a club.
It really doesn’t matter WHAT you do, as long as you’re together, having fun, being there for each other.
The most important thing: Don’t worry about who’s closer to who! Just focus on being a good friend and they’ll BOTH love being around you.
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice for Katelyn?