I’m in middle school and this year I lost almost all my friends from last year. I never see one of my friends because she got new BFFs. My other really good friend became a CCP and doesn’t hang out with me anymore. I still like them and want to be their friends but they don’t really like me anymore. What should I do?
Hi Taylor! That’s so LAME that your friends just ditched you like that, but I think this happens A LOT when people go to middle school.
I’m pretty sure middle school is one of the hardest times in most people’s lives.
Seriously, I bet when President Obama has a super hard day at the White House, he thinks to himself, “Man, today stinks, but it’s nothing compared to that time in middle school when…”
Anyways, there are a couple ways you can deal with this situation.
The first thing you could do is just tell your old friends that you miss them. Maybe the one who got new BFFs would invite you to hang out with them, too.
They might SEEM super tight and not open to another friend in their group, but that’s because the other girls don’t know you yet!
I bet Chloe and Zoey had NO idea they’d find another HUGE dork like me who would fit right in with them, but then we met, and now they can’t even imagine the janitor’s closet without me!
You could also talk to the CCP friend…but if she’s hanging out with a super obnoxious crowd, you might have more fun sitting home alone, counting the fibers in your carpet.
(ANYTHING is more fun than listening to screechy CCPs and watching them sashay to their lip-gloss-filled lockers!)
The second thing you could do is find some new friends. I’m not sure if you’re in a different school this year, but even if you’re not, it can still be a whole new start!
Are there any clubs you can join, or sports you’ve wanted to try? Anytime you do something different, you get to meet all kinds of new people. Even if you try an activity and don’t like it, it could be SO worth it if you meet new friends.
Think of it like a social makeover…and then try on a TON of different stuff!! Something will eventually fit!
So that’s my advice: talk to your old friends if you miss them, and if that doesn’t pan out, get out there and meet some new people.
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice for Taylor?