The guy I really like turned me down to go to the dance. When I asked him, he said that a lot of girls asked already. How do I know if he’s lying to me and just doesn’t want to go with me? Should I ask the next guy in line or go with my girlfriends? Also, there are other guys I have been thinking about asking but I don’t like them as much as the first. What should I do?
Hi Jerica! I feel SO bad for you having to deal with a super stressful crush situation like this!
I’m not sure if he’s usually sweet and thoughtful, but it’s kind of jerky of him to tell you that LOTS of girls already asked him to the dance.
I mean, even if a lot of girls DID ask him, he wouldn’t tell you that if he liked you. And if he DOESN’T like you, well, seeing that he knows YOU like HIM, why tell you about all those other girls?
He sounds kind of full of himself to me!
If you’re not really crushing on anyone else, I say just go with your girlfriends!
Think about it: if you ask someone else, and then that guy finds out he was your second choice, he’ll probably feel kind of bad. And then you’ll have to say something lame, like your crush did…like, “Don’t feel bad! I had a lot of guys I wanted to go with, but you were number two!”
Or if number two says no, then you’ll have to tell some poor guy he was number three.
See, this is why I hate math…numbers hurt!
If you go with your friends, you won’t have to deal with any of this drama. Plus, when you see your crush you’ll be able to say, “Oh hey, looks we have something in common…A LOT of girls asked me to go, too!”
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice for Jerica?