I want to start wearing makeup, but I don’t know how to ask my parents. I’m 11, almost 12, and going into 6th grade. I don’t want to wear a lot, and not all the time, either.
I have no clue how to ask, and I don’t even know if they think I like that stuff. I’m kind of a tomboy, but I still like some girly things. Please help me!!
Hi Tashid! I can tell this is stressing you out a little, but have no fear, I’m here to help!
I know you asked how you can ASK parents about wearing makeup, but I think maybe what you really want to know is how you can CONVINCE them.
I consider myself an expert convincer, and it’s because I’m really good at guessing what my parents might say and coming up with super smart and persuasive stuff to say back.
Since I highly suspect all parents belong to a secret club where they trade lame excuses to deny their kids all the things they want, I’m pretty sure your parents will say some of the same stuff mine did.
So here are four objections they might come up with, and four convincing responses you can use to change their minds.
Objection #1: You’re too young.
What you can say: “You’re absolutely right…I’m WAY too young to wear a ton of makeup every day. That’s why I thought I could get just a lip gloss or two to start!” (“Just” makes it sound super unintimidating…like it’s no biggie!)
Objection #2: You’re beautiful, just as you are.
What you can say: “I think so too, and I want to STAY beautiful! That’s why I want to protect my lips with gloss, and maybe find a skin cream with bronzer and SPF, so it gives me a little glow AND protects my skin from the sun’s harmful rays!” (You’ll sound confident AND smart…and people listen to confident, smart people!)
Objection #3: They don’t want to buy it for you.
What you can say: “I totally understand, and that’s why I’d like to use my allowance to pay for it. I know money doesn’t grow on trees, so I’d NEVER ask you to spend your hard earned cash on makeup!” (You’ll sound super mature with the old person saying about trees, and you’ll totally flatter them by calling them hard workers!)
Objection #4: Your mom didn’t wear makeup at your age.
What you can say: “True! But you wear it now, and you do it so well! I can’t wait to learn from you! What do you say you teach me how to do just one thing, like eye shadow, just for special occasions?” (Flattery, yet again! And “just for special occasions” lets your mom know that your teachers won’t be judging her for letting you go to school looking like a circus clown every day.)
Although these techniques are scientifically proven to be effective (and by that, I mean they worked on my mom), there’s still a chance your parents might say no.
If that happens, say, “Okay. Maybe you guys need a little time to think about it.” And then ask again a little later.
This is yet another way to show them how mature you are…and maturity + persistence + smart, well thought out responses = eventual parental caving!
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice for Tashid?