Hey Brandon,
One Very Confused Dude
There’s a girl in my class that I like. Sometimes she’s super friendly and nice and other times she totally ignores me. How do you know if a girl is into you or not?
Dear Very Confused Dude,
This is a really good question. To be honest, I kind of wonder the same thing myself.There’s a girl at my school (who shall remain nameless). She’s funny, cute, and nice. I really like her, but I don’t know how she feels about me. Even though it’s confusing, this is what I’ve figured out about girls so far.Some girls are really over the top and obvious, like MacKenzie. (I’m guessing that, since you’re on this site, you’ve read Nikki’s diaries and you know that MacKenzie’s as subtle as a flashing neon sign when it comes to her interest in me.)
But other girls get kind of shy and nervous. That’s why they’re nice sometimes and then seem cold at other times.
If you didn’t know any better, you might think they’re ducking you because your breath smells like a pile of dirty gym socks, on top of a pile of garbage, when really they’re just afraid they’ll say something that sounds dumb or do something embarrassing.
Since I’ve had experience with both kinds of girls, I can tell you four surefire ways to know that a girl is into you:
- Body language. With some girls (the neon sign ones), it’s obvious. They’ll touch your arm or twirl their hair around you, thinking they’re being cute and flirty, when they’re really being kind of annoying. But the second kind of girl might look down at her feet or blush when she’s talking to you.
- She laughs at your jokes…even the bad ones. When a girl’s into you she’ll laugh at anything she thinks you intended to be funny, even if it’s not. So, if you wanted, you could do a little test. You could tell a really bad joke, like “What kind of bagel can fly? A plain bagel!” If she laughs like you’re hysterical, it’s a pretty good sign she’s into you.
- She tries to help you. If your family’s animal shelter is about to close and she enters a competition, hoping to win and donate the prize money to the shelter, odds are she’s not just really into animals. She’s probably really into you. But this probably won’t happen, since you’re not me. It’s more likely she’ll offer to help you study for your math test, or offer you half of her sandwich when you forget your lunch. If it’s her favorite sandwich, then it’s a no brainer.
- She giggles with her friends when you’re around. Unless she’s a mean girl, and she’s telling her friends that she could shoot a hockey puck through the gap between your two front teeth, she’s probably telling her friends how cute you are. Girls tell their friends everything. If she’s into you, they know…and they’re looking for signs that you’re into her too so they can report back to her.
While these are all good signs, there’s one really good one: she says “me too” when you tell her that you like her.
It can be kind of scary to come right out and say it, but girls like confidence. So take a deep breath, walk up to her, smile, and let her know how you feel.
I hope this helps…and I hope she likes you back!