How was YOUR first week back-to-school?
MINE was a huge DISASTER!!
I actually feel asleep in class TWICE!
OMG, I was SOOOO embarrassed!
I guess I’m still used to staying up really late and then sleeping in until noon like I did most of the summer.
So, I had a really, really hard time adjusting to my new schedule of getting up super early and then staying awake all day.
Me and all of my ADORKABLE friends who hang out here would LOVE to hear how YOUR new school year is going so far!
Were you happy to see all of your OLD friends? Have you made any NEW friends?
Ooh! I know! How about an update on any crush?!
What’s the BEST and WORST things about school so far this year?
Please give me all of the JUICY details about your school life in the comments section below!
Now, I have a HUGE SURPRISE for you all!!
Are you ready?!
On Saturday, September 12th ONLY, if YOU post a comment telling me all the crazy stuff about YOUR school life, I’ll answer ONE question for you about MY life?!
So, just post any question you’d like to ask me in your comment?
I’ll be answering questions for one day only (on Saturday, September 12th!) because I have a lot of homework to do this weekend.
So, have fun :-)!!