Is one of these letters addressed to YOU?!
Hi Everyone! I want to thank Brandon for letting me take over his ASK BRANDON column today to share news about a BIG PROJECT we’re currently working on.
Well, it’s a project we’re working on in ADDITION to the even BIGGER PROJECT of finishing Dork Diaries Book 15 😛! Yes, Team Dork is VERY BUSY right now!!
Recently, we’ve received over 1,000 snail mail letters from our readers! YES!! Over ONE THOUSAND letters from YOU!! They’re handwritten letters from AROUND THE WORLD delivered to us by the United States Postal Service. Although, due to COVID, we’ve received fewer letters than in previous years.
We read ALL of YOUR emails and letters and make it a priority to respond to each and every one of them, whether they’re from a city nearby or on another continent! Unfortunately, about 10% of the letters we send out through the postal service are returned to us marked “Undeliverable,” “Unknown Address,” or “Return To Sender,” due to issues with the mailing address provided.
The majority of the letters are from classrooms/students. However, because many school buildings were closed worldwide due to COVID, we delayed sending out response letters due to our concern that they wouldn’t get delivered to students attending virtual classrooms.
The GOOD NEWS is that many schools have reopened. So, we’ve decided to start sending out letters again to our readers in the USA and around the world 😀!!
I’m very excited to share the cool photo above of about 300 letters that will be mailed out to YOU this week 😀!! Now we just have 700 more letters to go. We hope to have ALL of your handwritten letters answered and sent to you by the end of June. We’re able to answer your emails a lot faster, usually within 7 days.
If you’d like to send us an email or a handwritten letter, visit the “MY AUTHOR” section of this website for details!
Take a close look at the photo above. In addition to a letter from Rachel, there is a set of FOUR additional items inside each envelope! Can you guess what’s inside?
I’ll reveal the four items next week! Assuming, of course, Brandon will let me take over his, ASK BRANDON, column again 😀!!