Squeeeee!! Easter is here! Another holiday, another excuse to eat MASSIVE amounts of chocolate!
Except this year! I’m sitting in the kitchen TOTALLY grossed out because Brianna decided to be a cute little prankster!
Normally, my parents make me an Easter basket filled with a huge selection of sugary goodness. But, this year Brianna wanted to help make it for me!
She gave me a beautiful basket with a bunch of colored hardboiled eggs! I lasted all of two minutes before deciding to eat one!
I grabbed one of the eggs and banged it against the table to crack it. But instead of getting a delicious little hardboiled treat, I got gross stringy white and yellow stuff all over my hand.
Then I pulled my hand up too fast and flicked a bunch of yolk into my hair. SOOO gross!!
OMG! Brianna forgot to boil the eggs!!
At least, I’ll have some delicious Easter desserts this afternoon when I hang out with Chloe and Zoey at the Cupcakeria!