Today my mom took Brianna and I grocery shopping. Of course, Brianna was on her best behavior mainly because she wanted to get a box of Princess Sugar Plum cereal you know the crunchy rainbow-colored box of sugar mixed with chemically engineered marshmallows that looks like tiny pieces of colored chalk. Seriously, I honestly think that cereal is designed to turn your kid into a hyperactive goblin after just one bite. They even have the nerve to throw in a free Baby Unicorn squishy toy to distract you from the nasty taste of the cereal!
Anyway, I knew my day would be totally ruined the moment Mom said . . .
“Nikki, sweetheart, watch Brianna for me while I grab something from the next aisle over!”
That’s Mom-speak for Sorry dear, but you’re about to be publicly humiliated by your uncontrollable bratty little sister.
The moment Mom turned her back, Brianna took off running in the opposite direction. How can a 3-foot something pigtailed little gremlin literally vanish at the blink of an eye? POOF! GONE! One second, she was right beside me, and the next, she had disappeared into thin air.
“Brianna! Where are you?!” I whisper shouted.
Hoping my mom wouldn’t realize that I’ve lost my sister, I quickly searched aisle after aisle looking for Brianna. She was nowhere to be found. Then I remembered that she had begged mom to get her a box of Princess Sugar Plum cereal so I ran towards the breakfast food aisle. The moment I turned the corner I could see Brianna balancing on her tippy toes trying to reach the top shelf of a nearly empty Princess Sugar Plum cereal display. She was teetering back and forth.
“OMG! Brianna! Get down!” I screamed.
She ignored me, like she always does. She was too busy trying to grab a box of cereal. Maybe she was trying to be one of those characters in a spy movie balancing on random items strategically placed together to create a giant ladder. Nope! Not Bratty Brianna! She haphazardly stacked a bunch of canned foods, diapers, cans of fruit punch, and anything else she could find to make her crazy ladder. She was teetering back and forth trying to keep her balance like a circus clown on a tight rope.
“Oh-Nooooooo! I shrieked.
I caught Brianna just as she came tumbling down!
“Thanks for your help, Nikki! You’re my favorite sister!” Brianna said with a smile as she held up her Princess Sugar Plum cereal box like she had won a gold medal in the Olympics.
“I’m your ONLY sister.” I replied.
“But you’re still my FAVORITE.” Brianna giggled.
Brianna was safe, she had her favorite cereal, and I found my missing sister. I should’ve known we weren’t making it out of the grocery store without some major drama. Not with my Bratty Little sister, Brianna around!