b'It even had a colorful assortment of Paris-themedDaisy wagged her tail, barked, and gave him a wet, stickers. He said his grandma is really intoslurpy KISS!scrapbooking and helped him make it for me. Shes so wiggly! It might be easier if I just took a OMG, the photos are AWESOME! Brandon is suchphoto of you both with MY phone! I suggested. a talented photographer. Actually, I think you misunderstood me. Brandon As we talked, Brandon knelt down and tickled Daisygrinned sheepishly. When I said I wanted a selfie behind her ears as she chewed a mouthful of his hair.of us, I didnt mean DAISY and ME. I meant the other . . . US. YOU and ME! FUN FACT: Dog spit has MORE holding power than HAIR GEL.Then he kind of blushed and brushed his shaggy bangs out of his eyes. Brandon looked like hed stuck his finger in an electrical socket.OMG! Suddenly it felt like I had 159 butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I thought I was Daisys a blast and such a smart little pup!" Hegoing to throw up the soup and sandwich I had for smiled. I really want a selfie of us. THAT would belunch all over his sneakers. AWESOME!This was the SECOND or THIRD selfie wed taken A selfie of you two would be so CUTE! I agreed.together in the past week. I couldnt help but I scooped up Daisy and handed her to Brandon whilewonder why Brandon wanted them and if it meant he tried to fix his hair.anything special. 20 21'