b'Brandon used his camera timer to take this. . . .Last year we spent a lot of time hanging out as good friends. But maybe this year things could get a bit more, you know . . . SERIOUS.I suddenly got the craziest idea! We could meet up at our FAVE place, and Id FINALLY tell him how I really feel about him. SQUEEEEEE ! My heart was pounding as I took a deep breath. . . . So, Brandon, would you like to hang out at the CupCakery later today? Actually, Nikki, that sounds great! Brandon smiled as he . . . stared . . . deep into my, um . . . SOUL. OMG! I couldnt BELIEVE he actually said YES ! But then changed his mind and said NO ! Unfortunately, the manager of Fuzzy Friends Animal Rescue Center is on vacation, and the assistant OMG! Our photo is ADORBS !!manager came down with the flu this morning, Brandon explained. So Im scheduled to do all of the feedings, Personally, I think we make a SUPERcute couple.exercise, and potty breaks for the next twenty-four 22 23'