Imagine if you put all the energy you spend fighting with your sister into changing the world instead… I’m pretty sure I could solve global warming, feed all the hungry people, and save all the endangered species!!! Sisters Melati and Isabel Wijsen live on the tiny island of Bali, which Read More
I’m Not Into The Same Afterschool Activities As My Friends!
Dear Nikki,All my friends go to afterschool activities like dance, gymnastics and soccer. I’m not really into that kind of stuff since I’m not very athletic. Lately, it’s all they ever do or talk about, and I’m starting to feel left out. I sometimes even wonder if I should pretend to like Read More
My Parents Won’t Let Me Use Social Media Like My Friends!
Dear Nikki,I know a lot of friends with social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram. But, whenever I beg my parents for a social media account of my own, they always say no. Why won't they let me have one and how do I get them to change their minds?Social Media Misery Hi Social Media Read More
OMG! So much is happening this month! A reality TV crew is following me and my BFF's, Chloe and Zoey, as we record our popular song from the talent show. Plus, I have voice lessons, dance practice, and my little sister Brianna’s latest WACKY antics. I'm SURE I can Read More
Calling all Dork Diaries Superfans
You're invited to hang out with Rachel and her daughter, Nikki, at a special book signing event at Barnes & Noble in Philadelphia. Join the fun as we celebrate Nikki Maxwell's birthday with Dork Diaries Book 13: Tales From a Not-So-Happy Birthday and Read More
Hey Nikki, I feel like I am an only child. I have an older sister that I love more than this planet, but I always feel like she lives on a different one. Like the other week, I invited her to my party, and she went to her friends party instead, like friends are more important than family. Read More