Alexis Lewis of Chapel Hill, NC is an inventor. She’s seventeen now, and she’s been inventing since she was a kid. SO cool!!! She’s not the first kid inventor. Benjamin Franklin invented swim flippers when he was twelve. Other inventions by kids over the years include popsicles, Read More
Spotlight on…Melati and Isabel Wijsen!
Imagine if you put all the energy you spend fighting with your sister into changing the world instead… I’m pretty sure I could solve global warming, feed all the hungry people, and save all the endangered species!!! Sisters Melati and Isabel Wijsen live on the tiny island of Bali, which Read More
You might think that getting stung by a bee twice in one week at age four would make someone hate bees! But Mikaila Ulmer, now 13, became fascinated by them instead! She learned how important they are for our ecosystem, since plants wouldn’t grow without pollination, which bees Read More
You guys, lately I have been SO inspired by the amazing stuff young people are doing in this world and I decided that for a while I’m going to use this space to shine a light on some of these amazing kids and teens! So I want to start with thirteen-year-old Marley Dias! When she was in Read More