- Across
- Chloe and Zoey are Nikki’s ____ (4)
- At school Mackenzie’s ______ is next to Nikki’s (6)
- She plays the keyboard in Nikki’s band (5)
- MacKenzie is Nikki’s _______ (7)
- Object on top of Mr. Maxwell’s van (5)
- You can read a _____ peek of each of Nikki’s diaries in the Book section (5)
- The kind of music Nikki sings (3)
- Chloe is considered a human _________ (9)
- Which book number is Dork Diaries’ SUPER SQUEE Edition (3)
- Brianna is Nikki’s little ______ (6)
- “Always remember to let your inner DORK _____ through!” (5)
- Nikki’s life is filled with _____ (5)
- Tales from a NOT-SO-Glam __ Star (2)
- School Nikki attends during exchange week (3)
- Event Nikki and her BFFs plan in Dork Diary 13 (5)
- Nikki doodles in one (5)
- Tales from a NOT-SO-Happily ____ After (4)
- Down
- Couple name for Brandon and Nikki (8)
- Brandon likes to take ___________ (11)
- Tales from a ___- SO -Happy Birthday (3)
- Tales from a NOT-SO-Fabulous ____ (4)
- One of Zoey’s qualities (5)
- Miss Penelope is a ______ (6)
- Opposite of popular (4)
- One of Nikki’s songs (3)
- Brandon’s is Nikki’s not-so-secret _____ (5)
- In Dork Diaries 7, Brandon gives Nikki a ____ on the cheek (4)
- Decorates the logo of book 8 (5)
- How many puppies does Nikki need to hide in her 10th diary (5)
- “Whatever MacKenzie wants, MacKenzie ____.” (4)
- Dork Diaries Abbreviation (2)
- Nikki is touring with the ___ Boyz (3)
- Nikki’s dog (5)
- He’s a CUTE visiting student (5)
- Cool, Cute and Popular Abbreviation (3)
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