I NEVER smile at myself in the mirror and think I’m pretty. I’m pretty plump and my teeth are gross, but I can’t do anything about it. Help!
Hi Jennah! Even though I don’t know you, I have a feeling you’re beautiful on the inside, and probably on the outside as well!
And you know what else? You can FEEL pretty no matter what you look like, and there are two good ways to do it!
The first way has to do with taking care of your appearance. The second has to do with how you feel about yourself.
Let’s start with the appearance one. Some people spend WAY too much time on their looks…and you can tell, because their faces are SO caked with badly applied makeup that they look like circus clowns!
Still, I’m willing to bet that the girls that feel the prettiest are the ones who put in at least a little effort before leaving the house in the morning.
Anyone who rolls out of bed and then hops on the school bus will probably feel totally gross.
If Selena Gomez went out every day with bedhead, wearing a potato sack, smelling like nasty gym shoes, I’m pretty sure she’d feel like the nastiest human being on the planet!
Now, don’t get me wrong. You don’t have to turn into a MacKenzie clone to put effort into your appearance. You just have to do the things that make you feel well put together, whether that means doing your hair or picking out an outfit that you like.
The other way to feel pretty is a little harder, but it’s SUPER important: changing how you feel about yourself.
Sure, I like when I wear a lip gloss color that suits me. But I feel the prettiest when I’m doing something that’s SO totally me…like art. I know this is going to sound SUPER corny, but that makes me feel beautiful from the inside out…and I glow!
OK, so maybe it’s actually sweat (sometimes painting is hard work!) but still, I feel good, and when I feel good, it shows!
So, my question for you is: what makes YOU glow? What do you love to do so much that you can’t help smiling like a dang fool the whole time you’re doing it?
If you focus on that stuff, trust me, your beautiful inner dork will shine through!
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice for Jennah?