b'I want to be the BEST FRIEND EVER to them asSo I called my two fave LIFE EXPERTS for advice, well. Someone they can totally trust and rely on.Chloe and Zoey! This means my DORKY days are OVER! I ONLY haveSince it was kind of an EMERGENCY, they rushed a few days to completely REINVENT myself intoright over. someone my BFFs will be proud of. First they gathered all of theI want to be the . . .FANTASTIQUEFRIENDLIEST, COOLEST,clothing Id purchased on my trip to Paris! I just SMARTEST, CHILLEST,got home forty-eight hours ago, and I STILL have CUTEST, MOST INTRIGUINGjet lag!PERSON AT MY NEW SCHOOL. (Did you notice I used a fancy French word for Basically the . . .PERFECT ME!FANTASTIC?!) Yes! Ill admit it. I TOTALLY want to be Next they scrounged through all of my old clothing from last year, gathered all of the CUTEST THAT GIRL! stuff, and tossed it into a basket. Then Chloe flipped through a half dozen fashion mags The very FIRST step?shed brought from home while Zoey scrolled through the most popular fashion influencers on social media A COMPLETE MAKEOVER!to get the trendiest ideas for my new makeover. . . . 12 13'