b"I really appreciate your help with my wardrobe. IfMONDAY3:30 P.M.either of you need ANYTHING at all, just let me know. Ive got your back. Seriously!Im SO excited right now, I can BARELY write this.We did a quick group hug, and my BFFs rushed outBrandon just stopped by to drop off more photos the door.from our recent trip to Paris! And he took the time to place them in a really nice photo album with his Back in my room, I stared at my reflection in theFAVE photo of ME on the cover. SQUEEE ! . . . mirror. Then I took a deep breath, smiled, and tried to think positive thoughts. . . . I, Nikki J. Maxwell, am going to have theBONJOUR!BEST. SCHOOL. YEAR. EVER!! SQUEEEEE !NIKKI'S TRIP TO PARISEven if it KILLS me ! 18 19"