Simon & Schuster Audio · DORK DIARIES 7 Audiobook Excerpt Everyone’s been rooting for me and my crush, Brandon—and now I can FINALLY write all about what did – or didn't – happen with our first kiss! Sighhhhh. There's a LOT happening right now! A reality TV crew is following me and Read More
Dork Diaries: OMG! All About Me Diary!
As Nikki Maxwell knows, keeping a journal is a great way to get to know the most important person in your life: YOU! This special Dork Diaries guided journal features questions for every day of the year. If you could swap places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why? What song Read More
Dear Nikki,I’ve tried EVERYTHING to lose weight, but I just can’t. My sisters can eat 50 hamburgers and still be skinny. I think the reason why I’m not making friends at my new school is because I’m big and awkward. I just want to give up. Every time I go to the doctor, it’s the same Read More
Dork Diaries 6: Tales From a Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker
Simon & Schuster Audio · DORK DIARIES 6 Audiobook Excerpt It’s the biggest dance of the year and I am HOPING my crush, Brandon, (shhhh!!) wants to be my date. But time is running out. What if he doesn’t say yes? Or worse . . . what if he's waiting for MacKenzie?!! It's time for me Read More
Calling all DORK DIARIES Superfans!
Join Rachel, Erin and Nikki as they celebrate the release of their exciting new book series: THE MISADVENTURES OF MAX CRUMBLY – LOCKER HERO!! Get your FREE Max Crumbly swag like posters, stickers and bookmarks. Win COOL door prizes too! Don’t miss your chance to get your book autographed! Read More
Dork Diaries 5: Tales from a Not-so-Smart Miss Know-it-All
Simon & Schuster Audio · Dork Diaries 5 Audio Clip I develop a sudden interest in student journalism that may or may not (okay, DEFINITELY does) have to do with the fact that mean girl MacKenzie has started writing a gossip column. And there just MIGHT be some info involving my crush, Read More