OMG! You guys are NOT going to believe this!!! Remember our family road trip to my mom’s second cousin’s stepdaughter’s wedding? (Turns out her name is Kira.) I survived the road trip – in fact, I was the HERO of the road trip! I made sure Brianna was fed, watered, and kept Read More
My Crush Hates Braces…and I’m About to Get Them!!!
Hi Nikki. I need advice! My parents said I would be getting braces because I have really bad teeth. I’m really scared and started crying when I got home. The only reason why I am afraid to get braces is because I overheard my crush talking about how he hates his little sister’s braces. Read More
It is a beautiful spring day outside! Chloe and Zoey are at the Art Festival downtown and they just texted to tell me they saw Brandon by the photography exhibits. And guess where I am???? In my bed, dying of the plague!!!!! Okay, it’s not the plague. I guess it’s a cold. Or Read More
I Want To Speak Up In Class, But…!
Hi Brandon!I have a HUGE problem at the moment. I’m not very confident. I have some excellent friends and I’m very good at school, but I’m really shy and rarely say a word in front of the 29 students in my class. Plus, I have ASD. PLEASE HELP! Tormented Taylor Hi Taylor! Thanks for Read More
Dear Nikki, I’m totally freaking out right now! I recently moved to a new house in the neighborhood, and I just found out that I have to share a room with not one, but TWO sisters! Rosalyn and I get along really well. We like pretty much the same things, and we don’t argue a lot. We Read More
Gardening Disaster!!!
Remember that nice moment I had with Brianna a couple weeks ago, when we saw the first flower of spring? SOMEHOW, that made me think I should volunteer to help my parents prepare the vegetable garden in the back yard for spring planting. Don’t even ask me WHAT I was thinking. My Read More