Hey Everyone, Since this column is called ASK BRANDON, I'm always the person giving the advice. However, this week, I personally NEED advice! Okay, I know this request is probably a little...okay, A LOT weird, but I need to know what you think. My Read More
Hi Everyone! Can you believe that it's ALREADY March 1st?! Of course, the beginning of a new month also means a new Book of the Month. So, for the next few weeks we'll be focusing on my MARCH diary: DORK DIARIES BOOK 7: TALES FROM A NOT-SO GLAM TV STAR Are you a Read More
Dear Brandon,I really need your advice. My BFF’s birthday is coming up next month and I REALLY want to surprise her with something she’s been wanting forever—a deluxe recording studio kit that will allow her to play and record her own songs. She’s an AWESOME singer and songwriter, and her Read More
IT'S A FUN SNOWMAN PUZZLEPALOOZA!! Hi everyone! Lately, the weather here has been FREEEEEEEZING! We've had TWO blizzards in just the past week. So, Brianna and I have been stuck inside the house like FOREVER, and we're going NUTZ! My mom Read More
Miss Your Friends? Plan a Virtual Party! Part 2
How To Have a Super Fun Virtual PJ Party In 8 Easy Steps! Today on Ask Nikki, I am posting PART 2 of my advice column about how to spend time with friends during the COVID pandemic. Here is the original letter that I received from a group of friends DYING Read More
Miss Your Friends? Plan a Virtual Party! Part 1
How To Have a Super Fun Virtual PJ Party In 8 Easy Steps! Today on ASK NIKKI, I decided to tackle a really important question that I've probably been asked a HUNDRED times since the COVID Pandemic began! With many schools moving to virtual classrooms and everyone practicing social Read More