You're invited to hang out with Rachel and her daughter, Nikki, at a special book signing event at Barnes & Noble in Philadelphia. Join the fun as we celebrate Nikki Maxwell's birthday with Dork Diaries Book 13: Tales From a Not-So-Happy Birthday and Read More
Hey Nikki, I feel like I am an only child. I have an older sister that I love more than this planet, but I always feel like she lives on a different one. Like the other week, I invited her to my party, and she went to her friends party instead, like friends are more important than family. Read More
Happy Valentine’s Day Nikki!
Hey everyone, it's Brandon here. Instead of our regular advice column, I wanted to post this video of Nikki and me hanging out together on Valentine's Day. I hope you like it. :) Did you do anything special for Valentine's Day? Did your classroom have a party? Did you give out or receive Read More
I Get Homesick At Slumber Parties!
Dear Nikki,I have this AWFUL secret. Okay, here it goes--I get homesick at slumber parties! It's gotten so bad that I cried at my best friend's last slumber party and my mom had to come pick me up. How do I get over my homesickness so that I can stay and have fun like everyone else?Slumber Read More
SQUEEEEE!! Valentine's Day is right around the corner! If you could design your very own CANDY HEARTS for Valentine's Day, what would they say? List five ideas in the comments below. I included five candy heart ideas in my artwork above! My personal candy heart messages are: 1 Read More
Hi Brandon,My mom says I should smile more and calls me 'grumpy cat'. You know, the famous grumpy cat on internet memes? I can't help it! I'm always CRANKY! So it's kind of hard to smile all the time when I’m not really happy. What should I do? Grouchy Grumpy Girl Hey Grouchy Grumpy Read More