Hey Brandon! I met these girls at school and we hit it off pretty well. But then I started wearing this small dot on my forehead that’s called a “bindi.” It’s an Indian tradition. So, last week these girls came over to my house and started saying all this rude stuff about my bindi, like Read More
Hi Nikki,I moved from Germany and I am very bad at pronouncing English. Kids at my new school tease me for having a German accent. I am very lonely and don't know what to do. Thank you for your advice.Hi Lonely New Girl First of all, welcome to America!! 😀 This is a frustrating Read More
When you’re bullied by a mean girl that everybody likes
Hey there, Nikki!There’s a popular girl at my school that everybody likes, but no one realizes she’s an undercover “mean girl”. She always teases me by saying that I have a stupid name, and she laughs and snorts at me whenever we see each other. I’ve told a few of my friends Read More