b'Aidan Carpenter and Nicolas Perez are sixteenHe admitted that things had gotten so bad they years old, and Victor Chen and Joshua Johnsonwere on the verge of breaking up and insisted that are seventeen. I had saved the band simply by convincing them to take some time off.Most guys their age spend the summer working part-time jobs, hanging out with friends, shootingWe want to do something special for YOU and hoops, and playing video games. But these poorYOUR band to show our gratitude. Hey, after we dudes were up at 5:00 a.m. on a grueling scheduleabruptly ended the tour and ruined your summer, packed with meetings, photo shoots, rehearsals,its the least we can do! Trevor joked.interviews, sound checks, and cross-country flights on private jets. Ruining my SUMMER was an understatement.Finally, at the end of the day, when they were totallyAfter humiliating myself at that Bummer-Summer EXHAUSTED and ready to CRASH, they had to pullFreaky-Fest, it felt like my entire LIFE was ruined! off the most DIFFICULT task of all: an intense, high- But I was NOT about to bring up ANY of that.energy, two-hour concert in a huge arena jam-packed with thirty thousand SCREAMING FANS!! Allowing us to open for the Bad Boyz was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and an awesome Then . . . WASH, RINSE, and REPEAT!! experience! I gushed. You dont need to do anything more.But get this! Trevor Chase called me two days ago with an exciting update. He told me theI was just happy the Boyz DIDNT break up.guys are enjoying their vacation and resting up to resume their world tour in the fall. Touring with them still feels like a DREAM! . . . 56 57'