b'May I have fries with that? SATURDAY, AUGUST 9Can you tell me where the Miraculous LadybugIve been staring at my cell phone all morning, waiting girl lives? impatiently for Trevor to call me back about our SQUEEEEEEEEEEE !! trip to Paris.Its been THREE whole days since we last spoke! Hopefully, Trevor will figure out all the details andWhich, under the circumstances, is practically like . . . confirm everything ASAP! FOREVER!!In the meantime, I just need to do THREE very SIMPLE things: Maybe he changed his mind and offered the magazine cover to someone else. You know, a person 1. Keep this HUGE, AWESOME, and EXCITINGa little more popular than we are.SECRET for just a few more days. Like . . .BEYONC!2. Make sure my bandmates are available.But heres what really worries me.3. Start PACKING for PARIS. What if Trevor somehow found out about our Like, how HARD can THIS be?!! Summer Fun Fest disaster?!!! Thanks to MacKenzie, that video is plastered all over social media.62 63'