b'Trevor continued. Actually, Nikki, we have an exciting project for you if youre interested. It includes an all-expenses-paid trip in a couple of weeks! The Boyz are scheduled to be on location for a photo shoot for the cover of a magazine. But since theyre taking a break, we thought YOUR band would be PERFECT. Itll be great exposure for you. I just need to get the editor of the magazine on board with the change in plans.OMG! I almost fainted when I heard his offer! Was it Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Chicago . . . ?!Since Trevor was still working out the details, he WARNED me that I cant tell anyone, not even my bandmates, until everything is finalized.My job is to keep my BIG MOUTH SHUT and to make sure everyone is available for the trip. But I havent even gotten to the BEST part yet!Well be traveling to one of the most MAGNIFICENT cities in the ENTIRE world!! . . . 58 59'