ME, FREAKING OUT BECAUSE BRIANNA HAS A JAR STUCK ON HER HEAD! 3:32 PM: I am starting a huge social studies report and I’m going to be the MOST productive person you ever saw!!! It is true that it was assigned six weeks ago and it’s due tomorrow and I haven’t started yet. But I’ve done Read More
Listen Up! You Gotta Hear This!…
Exciting news! I just finished taping the audio of my new Dork Diaries Book 10: Tales from a Not-So-Perfect Pet Sitter! So, now it's available as an audio book, which is basically me reading the book aloud. You can get it online and anywhere the books are sold. Would you like to hear Read More
Friday, November 13th – Hang out with Rachel and her daughters
Hang out with Rachel, Erin and Nikki as they celebrate the release of their latest book Dork Diaries Book 10: Tales from a Not-So-Perfect Pet Sitter. Lots of great door prizes and free swag including posters, stickers and bookmarks! Friday, November 13th at 7:30 pm Fairfax County Read More
NEW!! See Rachel and Her Daughters On TV!!
Rachel and her daughters, Erin and Nikki, recently appeared on the CBS Morning show to discuss Dork Diaries. What does being a DORK mean to YOU?! Tell us below! View More: Pop Culture News|Live News|More News Videos And, don't WORRY! The series is NOT ending anytime Read More
Maybe Brianna Didn’t Ruin Halloween After All?!…
MY SPOOK-TACULAR HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS!! Okay, remember last week when I told you how Brianna went bonkers in the craft store and ruined my chances of getting some spooky new Halloween decorations? UGH!!! She is SO totally annoying! But. When we got home, I pulled out our Read More
OMG! I AM SELLING MY LITTLE SISTER! Seriously, could you use an occasionally adorable (but mostly infuriating!!!) little kid around the house? Maybe you need someone to drive you up a wall or steal your stuff or blame things on you? She comes at the extremely low, low price of FREE!!! Read More