ME, TOTALLY EMBARRASSING MYSELF BY FALLING ASLEEP!! How was YOUR first week back-to-school? MINE was a huge DISASTER!! I actually feel asleep in class TWICE! OMG, I was SOOOO embarrassed! I guess I'm still used to staying up really late and then sleeping in until noon like Read More
MY DREAM SUMMER CAMP IS...DIARY CAMP!! Let's have some fun answering a question from my, OMG! ALL ABOUT ME DIARY! If you could create YOUR very own DREAM summer camp, what would it be called? Describe it in detail and give me a list of the fun activities that campers would Read More
Meet Rachel! Saturday, September 5, 2015
Saturday, September 5th Library of Congress National Book Festival Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW Washington, DC 20001 Presentation at the Author Pavilion for Children 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Book Signing Following the Presentation 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm The event Read More
BRIANNA AND ME AT THE WATER PARK Hi everyone! I'm BACK! Did you miss me? I really missed you, too! The good news is that I've spent most of the summer working on Dork Diaries Book 10, TALES FROM A NOT-SO-PERFECT PET SITTER! And, guess what!! It's all DONE! Read More
Friday, July 3, 2015
BOOK SIGNING! Wal-Mart South Riding - Sterling, Virginia FRIDAY, JULY 3rd WAL-MART SOUTH RIDING Dulles Landing Shopping Center 24635 Dulles Landing Dr Sterling, VA 20166 3:00 pm SNAG COOL SWAG like Dork Diaries posters, stickers and bookmarks (while supplies last)! Read More
All of those nasty RUMORS are absolutely TRUE!! MacKenzie not only STOLE my diary, but she WROTE in it for TWO entire weeks :-(!! And, now you can FINALLY hear HER side of the story. Have you read Book 9 yet?! If so, I have a million questions for you. What did you think Read More