Hey Brandon,I need your help! I’m a good student. Like, not the super brainiest top of the class, but I get good grades. And I respect my teachers. It’s just how I was raised. So sometimes teachers will pick me for special privileges, like running things to the office or leaving first for Read More
My Friends Are Gossip Girls And I HATE IT!
Dear Nikki, Ever since we started middle school, my friends have turned into the biggest gossip girls and I HATE IT!!! They’re always talking about people, spreading rumors, and laughing behind other people’s backs. I have to admit that sometimes I do it too – it’s really hard to resist! Read More
Happy New Year!!
Read my first few diary entries of the year, found in Book 5: Tales from a Not-So Smart Miss Know-it-all! Read More
Hey Brandon, I need help! My parents treat me like I’m two years old!!! Okay, maybe not TWO. But I’m tired of feeling like a little baby! They make me go to bed at EIGHT!!! My older siblings get to stay up until nine, but no matter how many times I ask, they won’t let me stay up later! How Read More
Dear Nikki,My body’s okay, but I don’t like how it looks. I know I’m not THAT fat, but my best friend is thin, flexible and everybody admires her and I’m just hidden. Nobody cares about me. I’m useless at everything. So basically:• I’m unhappy about my body.• I’m not talented at sports or Read More
Share the Dorkiness!
It's the Holiday Season and time for gifts! Which Dork Diaries book is your favorite and which one would you most like to get as a gift for Christmas? Read More