I really hope you enjoyed reading your first SNEAK PEEK at my new diary, DORK DIARIES BOOK 15: Tales from a Not-So-Posh Paris Adventure. I had so much fun reading all of your comments about my new diary. Your comments were really funny, insightful and so genuinely sincere. I can tell Read More
OMG! I’m sooooo excited to announce that my newest diary, DORK DIARIES BOOK 15: TALES FROM A NOT-SO-POSH PARIS ADVENTURE will be released later this month on Tuesday, September 26th! And, I have a SUPER COOL surprise just for YOU!! A SNEAK PEEK at MY diary!!!! I just finished Read More
What’s up, everyone! How are you enjoying your summer so far?! Can you believe it’s already mid-July?! This is the PERFECT time to announce some FUN and EXCITING news 😀! We have a new and improved: SUMMER DORK MAKER! Now you can have even Read More
Quirky Question of the Month
Remember when Brianna and me had to perform the “I Luv Queasy Cheesy” song in my third diary: Tales of a NOT-So-Talented Pop Star and Mackenzie walked in with her cellphone?!!! 😱 WOW! You have a video on YouTube with 1 million views! What are you doing in it? This fun Read More
Dear Nikki,I have a crush on a boy, but one of my BFFs does NOT like him at all! Even though my ENTIRE school ships us together (totally NOT an exaggeration), my BFF is always mocking my relationship with my crush in front of my other friends ☹️!How do I get my BFF to stop Read More
Which French Fashion Cliché are you?!
OMG! I can’t believe in less than 5 months Dork Diaries Book 15: Tales from a Not-So-Posh Paris Adventure, will be released! Will I FINALLY make it to Paris?! You’ll need to read my diary to find out. You can preorder your copy TODAY!! While we count down the days until Read More