I totally BUGGED OUT today!! (And it wasn’t even Brianna’s fault!) The morning started well since it was a Saturday. My mom took Brianna to a play date with a friend from her ballet class, and I thought I had the whole house to MYSELF for a while! Then my dad came home. That was Read More
Today’s post comes from Andrea, who writes: Hi Nikki, I don’t have very many friends, which is okay with me. I homeschool, and I don’t want to go back to school. My emotional support and BFF is my diary! I constantly write in it and sometimes when I do, my parents say, “You already did Read More
Dear Nikki,At school we have to do the Presidential Fitness Test. Today, we did sit-ups and tomorrow we will be doing push-ups!!!! I'm pretty sure that I FAILED today's sit-up test since I did ZERO! Fortunately, my P.E teacher is letting me retake the test, but I'm kind of Read More
WHO HAS IT EASIER IN THE CRUSH DEPARTMENT?! GIRLS OR GUYS?! WHAT DO YOU THINK?! Okay, most of you probably know this guy by now, right? His name is MAX CRUMBLY and he is Brandon's best friend. Max attends South Ridge Middle School and hangs out at Fuzzy Friends shelter Read More
SQUEEE!! Remember Max from book 10?
Check out Team DORK holding the very first copy of Max’s book The misadventures of Max Crumbly - Locker Hero!! Max also has a brand new website with super COOL STUFF like comic strips, games and his very own blog. Check it out at www.maxcrumbly.com Don't forget to read the Sneak Peek Read More
Dork Diaries 4: Tales from a Not-so-Graceful Ice Princess
Simon & Schuster Audio · DORK DIARIES 4 Audiobook Excerpt I wasn’t at all surprised to find out that my crush Brandon volunteers at a local animal shelter. He’s SUCH a sweet guy—OF COURSE he wants to help those adorable puppies! Then Brandon tells me that the shelter is in danger of Read More