b'OMG! I suddenly felt SO overwhelmed with emotion, I thought I was going to break down and UGLY CRY right there in front of everyone!Chloe, Zoey, Violet, Brandon, Theo, and Marcus are the BEST. FRIENDS. EVER! We actually laughed about my accident.Although none of us could figure out how that open bottle of water just mysteriously appeared on the stage.We also talked about how in just FOUR WEEKS we were heading back to school again.Our summer had been totally ruined by the Bad Boyz tour ending abruptly. But I felt we could STILL spend the next few weeks doing the FUN things we had sacrificed by going on tour.ALL MY BANDMATES HAD COMEThats when I came up with a BRILLIANT idea TO CHEER ME UP ! called the SAVAGE SUMMER CHALLENGE!26 27'