b'SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 It was like we were suddenly covered by a humongous, freakishly dark CLOUD of, um . . . When I woke up this morning, I slowly opened my eyes.The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. OMG! I felt SO relieved !For TWO SECONDS.Then the HORRIFIC memories of that concert came WHOOSHING back in a huge tidal wave, likeI remember thinking the only GOOD thing about this someone had, um . . . FLUSHED a TOILET . . .very BAD situation was that it could NOT possibly inside my, um . . . BRAIN ! get any WORSE!Unfortunately, it WASNT all just a bad dream. But I was WRONG!! Things got A LOT worse.I remember every single detail like it was yesterday. Someone made a public announcement that our performance was a TOTAL DISASTER!WAIT! That WAS yesterday! Our concert was SURREAL. And then she asked if we were STILL going to get the CUPCAKES wed been promised. Talk aboutI could NOT believe the stage curtain actuallyTOTAL HUMILIATION!fell on us.18 19'